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L’Intelligent Design au banc d’essai

Wikipedia est l’encyclopédie en ligne bien connue créée par Jimmy Wales. Le mouvement conservateur américain a créé une sorte d’encyclopédie parallèle baptisée Conservapedia qui se présente comme une source d’informations de confiance (The Trustworthy Encyclopedia).  Ce projet a pour seul objet de développer les idées du mouvement conservateur.

Pour se rendre compte de l’objectif de projet, on peut comparer la description des deux sources sur la théorie de l’Intelligent Design qui n’est qu’une refondation du créationnisme et qui est présenté comme une théorie scientifique par Conservapedia.

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Wikipedia Conservapedia
Intelligent design (ID) is a form of creationism promulgated by the Discovery Institute. The Institute defines it as the proposition that “certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection. “It is a contemporary adaptation of the traditional teleological argument for the existence of God, presented by its advocates as “an evidence-based scientific theory about life’s origins” rather than “a religious-based idea”. The leading proponents of intelligent design are associated with the Discovery Institute, a politically conservative think tank and believe the designer to be the Christian deity.ID seeks to redefine science in a fundamental way that would invoke supernatural explanations, an approach its proponents describe as theistic realism or theistic science. It puts forward a number of arguments, the most prominent of which are irreducible complexity and specified complexity, in support of the existence of a designer. The scientific community rejects the extension of science to include supernatural explanations in favor of continued acceptance of methodological naturalism, and has rejected both irreducible complexity and specified complexity for a wide range of conceptual and factual flaws. The vast majority of the scientific community labels intelligent design as pseudoscience and identifies it as a religious, rather than scientific, viewpoint. It is rejected by mainstream science because it lacks empirical support, supplies no tentative hypotheses, and resolves to describe natural history in terms of scientifically untestable supernatural causes.Intelligent design was developed by a group of American creationists who revised their argument in the creation–evolution controversy to circumvent court rulings such as the United States Supreme Court Edwards v. Aguillard ruling, which barred the teaching of “Creation Science” in public schools as breaching the separation of church and state.Pour lire la suite de l’article
Intelligent design (ID) is the empirically testable[1] theory that the natural world shows signs of having been designed by a purposeful, intelligent cause. As Jonathan Wells wrote, “ID … asserts only that some features of living things are better explained by an intelligent cause than by unguided processes.” Wells, among others, uses ID to rebut the Darwinian assertion that the features of living things are “inexplicable on the theory of creation” but fully explicable as products of unguided natural forces.The central idea of Intelligent Design theory is that design is empirically detectable, just as the detectability of design in man-made objects is straightforward, non-controversial, and often intuitive (see: design detection). With respect to the origin and development of cosmological and biological systems, Intelligent Design theory holds that the same principles provide a logical inference of design in nature. That is, without necessarily “proving” actual intelligent design in nature, the observable material evidence provides a reasonable basis from which to infer design, and such an inference supports a legitimate scientific hypothesis of intelligent design. As such, Intelligent Design theory is a scientific disagreement with the core claim of materialistic theories of evolution such as chemical and Darwinian evolution that the design exhibited in our universe is merely apparent design, i.e., unintelligent design caused by unguided, purposeless, natural forces of physics and chemistry alone……







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