Les bilans 2013 et prévisions 2014 commencent à fleurir dans les médias. The Wire publié les 12 « meilleures » gaffes de l’année passée.
12. President Obama: “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.”
11. Harry Reid: “Why would we want to do that?”
10. Erick Erickson: Traditional gender roles yield “the most well-adjusted youth in society
9. Martin Bashir’s Sarah Palin comments.
8. Louie Gohmert: “Al Qaeda has camps over with the drug cartels.”
7. Phil Gingrey defends Todd Akin.
6. The NTSB intern who approved the Asiana Flight 24 flight crew names.
5. Hillary Clinton: “What difference, at this point, does it make?”
4. James Clapper: “The most truthful, or least untruthful” answer.
3. Marco Rubio reaches for his water.
2. Steve King: “They’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes.”
1. The shutdown.