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Le succès de Mitt Romney à Bain Capital en question

« It’s true that Mitt has been successful at each new challenge he has taken on. It amazes me to see his history of success actually being attacked. Are those really the values that made our country great? As a mom of five boys, do we want to raise our children to be afraid of success?

And let’s be honest. If the last four years had been more successful, do we really think there would be this attack on Mitt Romney’s success?

Of course not.

But as his partner on this amazing journey, I can tell you Mitt Romney was not handed success.

He built it.

He stayed in Massachusetts after graduate school and got a job. I saw the long hours that started with that first job. I was there when he and a small group of friends talked about starting a new company. I was there when they struggled and wondered if the whole idea just wasn’t going to work. Mitt’s reaction was to work harder and press on.

Today that company has become another great American success story.

Has it made those who started the company successful beyond their dreams?

Yes, it has ».

Ce petit texte est tiré du discours d’Ann Romney à la Convention républicaine qui se tient actuellement à tampa (Floride). « I was there when he and a small group of friends talked about starting a new company ».  Ann Romney fait référence à Bain Capital, l’entreprise créée par Mitt Romney et quelques partenaires.  Cette réussite a-t-elle contribuée à améliorer le sort de tous ou s’est-elle faite aux dépens d’autres ? La réponse est-elle donnée dans la vidéo qui suit. Cette vidéo a-t-elle été réalisée par des démocrates ? Non, elle a été financée par le SuperPAC qui supportait Newt Gingrich lorsque ce dernier ne ménageait pas ses attaques contre son concurrent Mitt pour la nomination républicaine .

A voir ou à revoir.




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