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Harris concédera la victoire, Trump non

La semaine dernière on a eu encore à une répétition à cette scène digne de la comedia del arte. A cinq reprises, la journaliste du New York Times Lulu Garcia-Navarro a donné la possibilité au candidat à la vice-présidence J.D. Vance de répondre à la question : Did Trump lose the 2020 election ? (Voir la transcription ci-dessous).

Quatre ans après, poser la question de savoir si Joe Biden a gagné les élections et si Donald Trump les a perdues peut paraître futile, voire inutile. Surtout quand on sait comment les personnes à qui on les pose vont répondre. Et pourtant, c’est là une question clé qui donne une indication de ce que pourra être 2024 dans des circonstances comparables. L’épisode de 2020 n’était qu’un tour de chauffe mené par des amateurs (Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell entre autres). 2024 sera une tout autre histoire.

D’autant que, en répétant les mêmes mensonges pendant quatre ans, Donald Trump et son équipe a préparé les esprits. 72 % des Américains enregistrés sur les listes électorales déclarent que si Trump gagne, Kamala Harris concédera les élections alors que 74 % pensent que Donald Trump n’acceptera pas la victoire de son opposante (Most Voters Say Harris Will Concede – and Trump Won’t – If Defeated in the Election). Ce qui pose un grave problème pour la démocratie où les élections jouent un rôle central. 2020 risque de ne plus être la seule occurrence où il n’y aura pas eu de ”peaceful transfer of power“. Y aura-t-il un janvier 2025 ?  

NYT : Last few questions in the debate. You were asked to clarify if you believe Trump lost the 2020 election. Do you believe he lost the 2020 election?

J.D. Vance : I think that Donald Trump and I have both raised a number of issues with the 2020 election, but we’re focused on the future. I think there’s an obsession here with focusing on 2020. I’m much more worried about what happened after 2020, which is a wide open border groceries that are unaffordable and look

NYT : Senator, yes or no, okay. Did Donald Trump lose the 2020 election?

J.D. Vance : Let, let me ask you a question. Is it okay that big technology companies censored the Hunter Biden laptop story, which independent analysis of said cost Donald Trump millions of votes?

NYT : Senator Vance, I’m going to ask you again, did Donald Trump lose the 2020 election?

J.D. Vance : Did big technology companies censor a story that independent studies have suggested, would’ve cost Trump millions of votes?

NYT : Senator Vance I could ask the question. I’m going to ask you again. Did Donald Trump lose the 2020 election? Can

J.D. Vance : I answer you your question with another question? You answer my question and I’ll answer yours.

NYT : I have asked this question repeatedly. It is something that is very important for the American people to know. There is no proof, legal or otherwise, that Donald Trump did not lose the 2020 election. But

J.D. Vance : You’re repeating a slogan rather than engaging with what I’m saying, which is that when our own technology firms engage in industrial scale censorship, by the way, backed up by the federal government in a way that independent studies suggest affect the votes. I’m worried about Americans who feel like There were problems in 2020. I’m not worried about this slogan that people throw. Well, every court case went this way. I’m talking about something very discreet, a problem of censorship in this country that I do think affected things in 2020, and more importantly, that led to Kamala Harris’s governance, which has screwed this country up in a big way.

NYT : Senator, would you have certified the election in 2020? Yes or no?

J.D. Vance : I’ve said that I would’ve voted against certification because of the concern that I just raised. I think that when you have technology companies, The answer is no. When You have technology companies censoring Americans at a mass scale in a way that, again, independent studies have suggested effect the vote, I think that it’s right to protest against that, to criticize that, and that’s a totally reasonable thing.

NYT : So, the answer is no. And the last question. Will you support the election results this time and commit to a peaceful transfer of power?

J.D. Vance : Well, First of all, of course, we commit to a peaceful transfer of power. We are gonna have a peaceful transfer of power. now, of course, believe that peaceful transfer of power is gonna make Donald Trump the next president of the United States, but if There are problems, of course, in the same way that Democrats protested in 2004 and Donald Trump raised issues in 2020, we are going to make sure that this election counts that every legal ballot is counted. We’ve filed almost a hundred lawsuits at the RNC to try to ensure that every legal ballot has counted I. Think you would maybe criticize that. We see that as an important effort to ensure election integrity, but certainly we’re gonna respect the results in 2024 and I feel very confident they’re gonna make Donald Trump the next president.

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