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Grumpy old man

From Donald Trump about the many he does not like

Dumb as a Rock Kamala Harris, Lyin’ Kamala Harris, Crazy Kamala Harris, Kamala Crash, Kamabla, Cackling Moron, Enemy of the People, Crooked Joe, Sleepy Joe, Mini Mike Bloomberg, Low Energy Jeb, Coco Chow, Sloppy Chris Christie, Cheatin’ Obama, Crazy Hillary, Crooked Hillary, Lyin’ Hillary, Lyin’ James Comey, Ron DeSanctimonious, Ditzy DeVos, Sneaky Dianne Feinstein, Jeff Flakey, Birdbrain, Little Brian Kemp, Governor Newscum, Cheatin’ Obama, Crazy Nancy, Liddle’ Mike Pence, Little Marco, Crazy Bernie, Little Ben Sasse, Little Adam Schitt, Shifty Schiff, Cryin’ Chuck, Deranged Jack Smith, Weirdo Tom Steyer, Goofy Elizabeth Warren, Pocahontas, Low-IQ Maxine Waters, Broken Old Crow, Psycho Joe, Jeff Bozo, Horseface, Wild Bill Clinton, Sloppy Steve Bannon, Al Frankenstein, Wacky Conbressman Wilson, Dumb as a Rock, Crazy Megyn, Sleepy Eyes, Crazy Maxine Waters, Wacky Omarosa, Crazy Jim Acosta, Senator Dick Durbin, Liddle Bob Corker

From Adam Schiff about Donald Trump after November 5th (The Bulwark Podcast)

The biggest loser

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